Tips for managing your end-of-year finances. This summer was an expensive one for so many…

Rebekka Whitehead
School of Thought

How to select the right K-12 school. Navigating the process of choosing the right elementary…


Five easy commands to teach your pup. Do you have a rambunctious new puppy or…

Perfecting their downward dogs at Oodazu.
Deep Breaths

Teaching kids the principles of yoga. Surprise: Yoga isn’t only for adults. Yet just like…

Discover how to care for new furry family members like ferrets and hamsters before you buy. Photo: Jaroslaw Slodkiewicz on Unsplash

Expert care tips for petite and exotic pets Though it’s popular for pet owners to…

Keep the minds of your little ones active with activity-based subscription boxes.
Bye-bye Boredom

Kid subscription boxes offer activities, clothes and more. The lazy days of summer are approaching…

Real estate investment property advice
Going Back for Seconds

Real estate investment property advice. For some, purchasing a second home is a bona fide…

Paddling With Your Pup
Paddling With Your Pup

Hit the water with your dog using these guidelines! Planning to get your kayak into…

child showing parent something on phone

Teaching teens online responsibility! School is out for the summer: Cue lazy mornings, sunny days…

Chitchat with your aging loved ones matters

Chitchat with your aging loved ones matters! From evolving living options to major medical arrangements,…

Pet Portraits
Picture Perfect

These local artists paint any pet in a good light! Though the newest iPhones do…


Select the best sleepaway camp for your child! I never went to sleepaway camp, so…

Know this about building a pool in Atlanta
In the Swim of Things

Know this about building a pool in Atlanta! With much time spent at home of…