New way to help those who are hungry!

For Buckhead resident John Patton, founding Street Charity was the result of 30 years of helping the homeless. “I had bought lunches, volunteered in soup kitchens and provided dollar bills, but I knew that was not the solution to feeding hungry people,” he says. “I wondered if there was a universal gift card that could be used at every fast food restaurant.”
After years of exploration, he learned that the point-of-sale terminals at all quick service brands bear similar codes. The credit card giant Discover helped Street Charity connect with banking institutions to make it happen. One-time donations can be made for bulk shipments of 25 cards for $6.50 each or individuals can contribute $35 per month for four cards that can either be distributed personally or via Street Charity. Cards have expiration dates, and any unused funds are automatically donated to the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
“Our mission is to allow generous people to be on the front lines of the solution,” Patton says. “Many homeless people don’t have mental or substance abuse issues. They’ve just fallen on hard times. Thirteen percent are veterans, and one in five children and five million seniors are food insecure. Instead of begging at the back door, we want to acknowledge homeless people and give them the dignity to walk in the front door as customers,” Patton says.