More than 600 guests at the CURE Childhood Cancer Believe Ball in early November were inspired in their mission to end the disease after hearing the remarkable journey of 12-year-old Carter, and his parents, Lyndsay and Tim Soriano.
Together, the crowd raised $1.78 million to battle childhood cancer. The evening also featured cocktails, live and silent auctions, a paddle raise, dancing and musical performances by SCAD’s Bee Sharps and “American Idol” season 12 winner Candice Glover. The music kept going at an after party where the Papa Sol band played on. The Ragab Spirit of Hope award went to Stephanie Rauls of Novelis for her long-standing support. Simply Buckhead was a proud media sponsor.
PHOTOS: Lynn Crow Photography

Atlanta-based writer and editor contributing to a number of local and state-wide publications. Instructor in Georgia State’s Communication department and Emory’s Continuing Education division.