Liz Hammack designs statement jewelry with unusual materials.
Sometimes following your interests wherever they lead can, in fact, pave the way to beautiful things. Such is the case for Liz Hammack, creator of “it” jewelry line, Tack. The 39-year-old Buckhead-based mom of three is a former Swoozie’s gift buyer who turned her desire to be at home with her little ones and an intense love of bold jewelry into a thriving business, spurred to success by her social media savvy. Here, she spills just a few of her secrets.
Your pieces are so bold. How did you learn to make jewelry?
In 2014, I had never strung a bead, but I used to sketch necklaces. I went to Brina Beads in Buckhead. I would say, ‘I have these designs; I just don’t how to put them together. Can you help me?’ While the baby was napping and my older kids were in preschool, I would practice and practice. I started producing them and put them on Instagram [@tackcreations]. It’s how it all began.
Tell me about the name Tack.
Initially, I thought about creating handbags and loved the whole equestrian style. My husband, Bo, and I were driving, and I said, ‘I need to think of a name that’s catchy and easy, and not too specific because I might want to do décor or necklaces in the future.’ He said, ‘What about Tack? It’s short, sweet and something people will remember.’ I thought it was perfect.
Social media has been really big for you, hasn’t it?
Yes! I’ve been surprised at how far Instagram can get you. It’s amazing because so many people find us there. A lot of my customers are from Texas, Chicago and all over.
Now you’re in a Buckhead-based boutique.
Yes! I met with the buyer at Poppy’s who is a friend of a friend. She said, “One of my friends was wearing your necklace the other night.
Do you want to sell them in here?”
That’s how it started. Your materials are unique—antlers, horse hair tassels and such.
Where do you source them?
All over. I find a lot of things through antique shops and estate sales.
How many of each style do you create?
I have about eight main designs, then I really try to do every single one differently. A lot of times they are one-of-a-kind because I would never want to have the exact same necklace on as someone else. Also, since I go to these estate sales for materials, I may not be able to find them again.
Do you do custom necklaces?
We started doing gift cards since some people would prefer to pick out their own pieces. If someone likes something, I want it to work for them. If a client says, “I love this, but I just want to have a long necklace, or I would rather have red beads than blue,” I try to accommodate.
What kind of woman is your ideal client?
It may sound corny, but I tag all of my posts with #makeastatement, and I really mean it. If you just throw on a sexy little black dress or a white t-shirt and jeans, a specific necklace can change the entire look. I design for women who appreciate a big statement piece.
Poppy’s of Atlanta
56 East Andrews Drive N.W.
Atlanta 30305
STORY: Jennifer Bradley Franklin
Photo: Laura Negri Photography

Senior Contributing Editor and Beauty Columnist at Simply Buckhead. Travel, Food and Design Writer and Author.