We have so much to be thankful for this year, and as the holidays roll around and our lives get so busy, we take the time to reflect. 2014 has been a stellar year for us, under the editorial direction of Giannina Smith Bedford, and creative direction of Alan and Sandy Platten.
Along with our strong community presence of 24,000 copies distributed free in over 200 locations in Buckhead and Brookhaven, we have seen a surge in our website presence. With the addition of Jaime Lin Weinstein as Director of Audience Development, and WordPress Developer Jason McCullough, our following on Twitter and Instagram, and Facebook “Likes”, have grown substantially. For the month of October, we had a whopping 10,000+ page views. We have been international for a long time, but now can boast over 120 countries, all 50 states, and more than 200 cities and towns in Georgia.
We are also proud to announce our new radio show on Buckhead Business RadioX. Tune in weekly on Tuesdays from 2-3 p.m. at www.businessradiox.com. Simply Buckhead Radio will focus on Buckhead’s thought leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and more, showcasing the upscale, approachable lifestyle of Buckhead’s residents and businesses. Each week, the show will present unique visitors, hidden and under-the-radar gems, synonymous with Simply Buckhead magazine and relevant happenings and trends.
Congratulations are also in order for Karina Timmel, who is newly promoted to a Contributing Editor position along with her writing duties.
Stay tuned for some future announcements, as we will be hosting a charity event in January 2015, to support our two philanthropic partners, CURE Childhood Cancer and Share Our Strength/No Kid Hungry.
Relax, enjoy our November-December issue celebrating Buckhead’s “Do-Gooders”, and celebrate the holidays in style!
We value your feedback any time. Email, tweet, or Facebook us—we respond to all, and don’t be surprised if your comments end up in our Letters section next time. – Joanne Hayes

Giannina S. Bedford is multi-faceted writer and editor. Her work covers design, travel, food and business. She’s penned Simply Buckhead’s home feature since inception and held a variety of editorial roles at the magazine. Her freelance work has appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, USA Today, Virtuoso Life, Hemispheres and TravelandLeisure.com. She also contributes regularly Atlanta Business Chronicle. Fluent in Spanish, Giannina was born in Miami and grew up in Brazil, Chile, Hawaii and Australia. She currently lives in Dunwoody with her two kids and husband.