If staying healthy on the go is a challenge, DTox Juice (dtoxjuice.com) has you covered.
Pick up one of the verdant juices such as Green Love (green apples, spinach, kale, ginger and lemon) or the whimsically blue Sapphire Butterfly (pomegranate, blueberry and butterfly pea flower tea), and you’ll feel great about your nutritional choice. Need something even more intense? Do the Sea Moss-ter with known inflammation-fighter Irish sea moss, lemon and apple, or Turmeric with raw honey, cayenne and ginger superfood shots to pack a pick-me-up punch.

Giannina S. Bedford is multi-faceted writer and editor. Her work covers design, travel, food and business. She’s penned Simply Buckhead’s home feature since inception and held a variety of editorial roles at the magazine. Her freelance work has appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, USA Today, Virtuoso Life, Hemispheres and TravelandLeisure.com. She also contributes regularly Atlanta Business Chronicle. Fluent in Spanish, Giannina was born in Miami and grew up in Brazil, Chile, Hawaii and Australia. She currently lives in Dunwoody with her two kids and husband.