How to pack simply for your next trip!

Summer fuels a certain wanderlust in us all, and as sure as Hartsfield-Jackson will be a-buzz these next few months, you’re likely packing a bag to head off, too. According to Nina McLemore, who oversees her self-named boutique in Buckhead, style while traveling matters. “Keep it clean; keep it simple. That’s important when you are creating a travel wardrobe,” says the New York based designer and a founder of Liz Claiborne accessories.

“When traveling, I like to stick to a few simple rules to make packing and getting dressed a little easier and less overwhelming,” says Buckhead- based style blogger Jessica Camerata of My Style Vida. “I always plan on a color scheme. Maybe it’s sticking with blacks or browns, and, that way, you narrow down your shoes and accessories quickly.” When you’re looking to liven up a neutral palette, add in pops of colors with turquoise, red or purple hues that are flattering for most skin tones. McLemore also recommends limiting shoes to the basics: a simple heel you can comfortably walk in and a great pair of everyday flats.

As a rule, fabrics spun from natural fibers tend to be better suited for the long travel haul than their counterparts. Additionally, they’re typically more comfortable and inherently more delicate. Lambs wool, Merino wool and silk are some examples of wrinkle-resistant natural fibers. “Those are very good for travel, particularly when it’s warm [outside],” McLemore says. “Sure, polyester doesn’t wrinkle either, but it’s so hot!” McLemore’s first step when perusing fabrics for all of her lines is to crush the material in her hand. If it doesn’t pass the wrinkle test, it’s not included in the lineup. Use the same method when packing for your vacation. Additionally, fabrics such as linen and Merino wool lend themselves well to a splatter or stain. Should a smudge of foundation make its way to your collar, spot clean it, then hang the garment upside down to dry so the water drains away from the jacket, and you’ll have a drier garment sooner.
Layering with jackets and scarves brings variances to your capsule wardrobe. “I never check luggage— I can go 10 days with two pairs of pants and one skirt,” McLemore says. On that note, you’re well-suited (and well-heeled) for packing a wardrobe to take on your next vacation. Bon voyage!
Nina McLemore
110 East Andrews Drive
My Style Vita
STORY: Ashlyn S. Carter

Simply Buckhead is an upscale lifestyle magazine focused on the best and brightest individuals, businesses and events in Buckhead, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody and Chamblee. With a commitment to journalistic excellence, the magazine serves as the authority on who to know, what to do and where to go in the community, and its surroundings.