How to select and purchase the perfect engagement ring.

You’ve planned the perfect proposal. You know when and where it’s going to be and what you’re going to say. The only missing piece of the puzzle is the ring that you’ll be holding when you get down on one knee and ask the love of your life to marry you. It’s certainly a daunting choice— and one that can come with a rather large price tag. You not only want to choose the ring that your beloved will cherish for a lifetime, but also make a smart financial investment. Ronnie Agami, owner of Buckhead’s Universal Diamond Corporation, has the insights to help you select and purchase the engagement ring of your soon-to-be fiancée’s dreams.
When should I start ring shopping?
I suggest starting the process about two to three months before you propose. That gives you a good starting point to begin looking for the right ring.
What are some of the trends in engagement rings today?
The classics are always in style, and they are very popular right now. We’re seeing elongated shapes like ovals, as well as emerald cuts, radiant cuts, cushion cuts and solitaires. We’re also seeing a lot of yellow gold—much more than we did 20 years ago. And many people are choosing to go custom; they are differentiating their rings by choosing a classic engagement style and customizing it with an interesting band.
How do I know what kind of ring she wants?
The beauty of the internet is that some women have a Pinterest page, and they may have pinned some ideas there. You also could talk to a very close friend who could give you some ideas while being trusted to keep such a big secret. Of course, some women want to be involved in selecting their engagement ring, and you can go and look at rings together in a shop or online. If you want to keep the element of surprise for the engagement, you always have the surprise of timing.
I’m still worried that I won’t choose a ring she loves. What can I do?
A great option is to go with a temporary setting or something very simple and plain that doesn’t have too much cost involved. After you give her the ring, you can bring it back in together and change it to whatever setting she wants.
How much should I plan to pay for a ring?
I’ve never subscribed to the old adage that that you should set aside two or three months of salary for a ring. You have to have a level of comfort with what you are going to spend. So it’s important to see options at several price points. You may be shown two rings at very different price points and not see a difference, so pay for what you see and not what you don’t see. W
hat’s the most important thing to remember about shopping for an engagement ring?
It is a big purchase. It’s a legacy item, but it’s also an item that needs to be practical for her lifestyle. And as you’re moving through the experience, it should be fun. It should be a really enjoyable process.

15 Minutes With columnist at Simply Buckhead. Freelance feature writer, children’s book author and President of Green Meadows Communications, LLC.