“Family” counts

Jewanna Gaither became enamored with Big Brothers Big Sisters as a college student at Fort Valley State University when she became a big sister to 10-year old Keona. The two stayed connected even after Gaither’s graduation in 2006.
It seemed serendipitous that Fifth Third Bank in Buckhead, where she is marketing director, was a major supporter of the organization. “Company- wide, we provide financial literacy opportunities to participants and their parents, as well as college scholarships for graduating seniors,” she says. “When I was asked to join BBBS’s Fashion Play committee to help raise funds, I quickly agreed.”
Sponsored by the Atlanta Falcons and Saks Fifth Avenue, BBBS’s Fashion Play: Heart of Diamond fashion show takes place at 7 p.m. on June 5 at The Fairmont. Falcons players and cheerleaders, as well as Bigs and Littles, will stroll down the runway modeling the latest fashions. In 2011, Gaither’s husband, Pierre, became a Big Brother to an eighth grader named Antonio, and the couple remains connected to him and his young family.
“It’s a great feeling to know you’ve made a difference in someone else’s life,” she says.
“About 1,400 kids currently have Bigs, but there are 400 waiting to be matched,” Gaither says. “We desperately need additional mentors, and there are multiple ways to get involved. You can donate money or even more important, mentor a child.”
For more information visit bbbsatl.org/fashionplay.