Pro bono pest prevention

When Sandy Springs resident Jason Smith and his partners Matt Brill and Ryan Claterbaugh founded Mr. Mister Mosquito Control, they made giving back part of the company DNA. With each new customer, they donate a mosquito net to Nothing But Nets, a nonprofit combating the epidemic of mosquito-borne illnesses that kill 725,000 people annually around the globe.
“Our community involvement began organically,” Smith says. “When asked to bid on misting Little Nancy Creek Park in North Buckhead, we offered services pro bono.” Ditto at Brook Run Dog Park (mosquitoes also transmit heart-worms in dogs) and multiple schools.
“Little Nancy Creek Park is in a floodplain dissected by the creek,” says park board member Abigail Landt, who lives in the Buckhead neighborhood. “If not for Mr. Mister, it would be a haven for mosquitoes.”
Brook Run Dog Park Association President Laine Sweezey echoes Landt. “We’re extremely grateful for Mr. Mister’s generous community spirit,” she says. “In addition to mosquitoes, the spray controls fleas, ticks and gnats—great for people and animals.”
The company offers two options, ClearZone Misting and Automated Misting Systems. “We use either a synthetic FDA-approved insecticide or a completely organic spray,” Smith says. “Both solutions are 100-percent biodegradable.”
For more information, visit

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