I only know how to cook two things: lasagna and cheesecake. When I do go to the trouble to make them, they’re darn good, but the rest of my efforts in the kitchen could best be described as haphazard.
After sharing a meal I’ve made, I’ve had people politely say things such as “Nice try” and “That was interesting.” It doesn’t hurt my feelings necessarily (we each have our own unique skills), but it does make me envious of people like the four chefs we’re featuring in this issue’s cover story, who just seem to have an innate ability to throw together a mishmash of ingredients into a mouthwatering meal. If you have kitchen mishaps similar to mine, check out the accompanying piece titled “How to Cook Like a Chef This Season” for some insider tips on how perfect your own holiday meal.
Seasonal get togethers also often call for Champagne (who doesn’t enjoy popping open a bottle at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve?), and so you’ll appear super in-the-know, we’ve shared a primer on everything from how to properly open a bottle of bubbly to how to serve it. We also put together a fashion spread on the season’s hottest party looks, so you’ll be the picture of perfection at every occasion, whether it’s your company’s yearly Christmas bash or your Aunt Edna’s Secret Santa swap.
A lot more great content awaits elsewhere in the issue, from how to maintain a healthy winter glow to touring a local town overrun by zombies. We just hope you can stay awake long enough after all that turkey, dressing, eggnog and pumpkin pie to enjoy it.
Jill Becker
Photo: The Headshot Truck

Award-winning writer and editor who has penned stories for CNN, Woman's Day, Good Housekeeping, and dozens of other outlets.