IMG_1918_pp-1I often dream of going back to a time when smartphones weren’t an extra appendage or when accidentally leaving my mobile device at home didn’t mean my day fell into shambles.

Technology can sometimes muck up communication channels (I mean, does anyone pick up the phone anymore?), but I admit that if it weren’t for some of my favorite apps, I would get lost every time I got in the car, forget to pay the babysitter and fail to answer all my time-sensitive emails. Technology aims to assist us in getting work done or checking to-dos off the list. It’s a reality of today’s world, both in business and personal lives. If there is a need that can be filled by the push of a button, a tech-savvy brain is out there to make it happen. And the smarty-pants creating these applications aren’t all based in Silicon Valley. Some are in our very own backyard where the burgeoning start-up scene is bolstered by state-of the-art hubs such as Buckhead’s Atlanta Tech Village.

In this issue, we share their stories of success. From an application that helps drive new leads for small business to another that serves as a calendar-like, digital application to display creative across all media, the apps born here run the gamut. Some make business more efficient, and others ensure you purchase a perfectly tailored suit online. If you never thought you’d be able to send a text message 25 years into the future, well now that is possible, thanks to Buckhead-based app Incubate.

Reading through these stories, I’m convinced the sky is the limit for what technology can help us do. Just don’t forget, every once in a while, to pick up the phone.

Giannina Smith Bedford

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