Helping pets in crisis.

Kathleen Rollins has always been passionate about animals, and when she became executive director of The Gary W. Rollins Foundation in 2015, she immediately became involved with the Atlanta Humane Society.
For her service throughout the years, Rollins was awarded the Anne Cox Chambers Humane Heroine Award at the Society’s Bow Wow Brunch in April. “It was a total surprise and something I will cherish forever,” she says.
This year, the foundation provided funding that enabled the nonprofit to create the Pets in Crisis Support program, designed to provide temporary shelter for the pets of people forced to choose between their own needs and the wellbeing of their animals. Causes vary from hospitalizations and domestic violence to homelessness and more.
With The Rollins Foundation’s gift, the Society was able to collaborate with Ahimsa House that focuses on pet fostering for domestic violence survivors, as well as expanding services at Paws Between Homes for individuals facing evictions.
“Out of all the Society’s excellent programs, this is my favorite,” Rollins says. “People in crisis can set aside one worry to concentrate on their own problems and know that their pets are cared for.”