Preparing pups for service

Cameron Davis has always been an animal lover, and when a friend asked her if she would help put on a fundraising event for Canine Assistants (CA), she jumped at the opportunity. The Brookhaven resident was instantly hooked on volunteering for the organization that breeds and trains golden and Labrador retrievers to provide diabetic support, seizure response or help for people with physical or mental challenges. Her friend’s warning: “You’re a dog hoarder. Just remember you can’t come home with all the dogs.”

Ignoring the advice, Davis became a certified volunteer and foster parent two years ago.
She brings up to three dogs at a time home for short periods to acclimate them to situations they encounter during their service, such as busy malls and loud city noises. She and her boyfriend, Paul Mathewson, also share their home with Adrian, a breeder dog named in honor of one of CA’s long-time volunteers. “When he retires, he’ll stay on as our forever dog,” says Davis.
In addition to working directly with the dogs at Canine Assistant’s Milton facility, Davis has organized an intown group to raise awareness for dog lovers who want to become involved in some way but don’t want to travel the distance. “I’ve always loved dogs, and preparing them for service is extremely rewarding,” she says.
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