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Take Charge of the Change: How to Recognize the Signs of Menopause

Take Charge of the Change: How to Recognize the Signs of Menopause

How to Recognize the Signs of Menopause

When it comes to menopause symptoms, we’re all familiar with the common ones – hot flashes, irregular or heavy periods, and a low sex drive.

How to Recognize the Signs of Menopause

But for many women, it’s the unexpected ones that can impact their quality of life the most.

From insomnia and anxiety to migraines and weight gain, the signs of menopause are frequently misdiagnosed or dismissed in the doctor’s office. They’re just a side effect of aging, we’re told. Get yourself a fan and some exercise, and you’ll feel better in a few years.

Dr. Fonda Martin of BoutiqueGYN
Dr. Fonda Martin of BoutiqueGYN

According to board-certified gynecologist and certified menopause practitioner Dr. Fonda Martin of BoutiqueGYN, women aren’t familiar with all the signs of menopause because doctors don’t often explain them.

“As medical residents, menopause was just a sidenote in our training, and as private practice providers, the time needed to connect the dots between symptoms has been cut by insurance company constraints,” she said. “In fact, women in menopause visit doctors an average of six times before they receive a diagnosis and treatment plan.” The good news is there’s help in understanding the stages and symptoms of menopause.

With a free 15-minute discovery call with Dr. Martin, you can start a heart-to-heart discussion with a compassionate provider and learn how you can become an advocate for your own health.

How do I know if I’m in menopause?

There’s often confusion regarding what menopause actually is. Menopause is considered official if you haven’t had a period for 12 continuous months. However, symptoms of menopause can start up to 10 years before that big milestone, usually when a woman is in her early 40s.

Perimenopause, or early menopause, occurs when the body’s estrogen and progesterone levels begin to fluctuate with age. Those shifting hormones wreak havoc on the entire body, leading to a variety of health issues that mirror the symptoms of other conditions, including:

  • Night sweats and hot flashes
  • Sexual health issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain
  • Aches and pains
  • Brain fog
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Urinary issues

“For most women, the symptoms of perimenopause can be easily controlled with hormone therapy, certain medications, and lifestyle changes,” Dr. Martin shared. “That’s why I encourage women to share all of your symptoms with your healthcare provider, even if you think they’re unrelated to menopause.”

Menopause treatment personalized to you

While blood tests can measure estrogen and hormone levels to determine if you are perimenopausal, conversation is the best diagnostic tool healthcare providers have – and one that isn’t used as regularly as it should be.

Explained Dr. Martin, “Real treatment starts with real talk. Women experience the best outcomes when doctors take the time to listen to their concerns without judgment and tailor whole-woman care that addresses a variety of health issues.”

Women who are experiencing signs of perimenopause or menopause are invited to visit to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Martin. As a concierge, membership-based practice, BoutiqueGYN has redefined the relationship between practitioner and patient by offering easy-to-schedule appointments, longer visits, and direct provider access for the best possible gynecological care.

“Women have had to rely on each other to demystify menopause for too long,” Dr. Martin said. “At BoutiqueGYN, we strive to empower patients with the information and treatment needed to take control of the change and keep menopause symptoms in check.”


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