Outdoor adventures are even more fetching with Fido!
Heading off to an adventure in the great outdoors is even better when your four-legged friends come along. With a little extra preparation, campers can be sure their pets will have the time of their lives on a wilderness excursion.

More than half, 53.7%, of the estimated 84.8 million Americans who camped in 2023 brought dogs along with them, while 5.8% brought cats, according to the 2024 Camping Report by The Dyrt, an app for camping availability. Campers also reported setting up camp with chickens, box turtles, guinea pigs and parrots.
Dogs tend to be more adaptable to their surroundings than most cats, which probably accounts for them getting more outdoor adventure time than felines and other animals, says Dr. Leanne LeFavi, a veterinarian at Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital.
Jess Bare, veterinary nurse at Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital, has a constant companion in her 8-year-old terrier, Emmett, on her car camping trips to the north Georgia mountains nearly every month spring through fall. She says they both enjoy escaping the hustle and bustle of Midtown, where she lives.
“Emmett loves getting outside, getting dirty, playing in the creeks, being outside at night and listening to the cicadas and the owls. We listen together and really unwind,” says Bare, who is sometimes accompanied by her fiancé.
When cooking over the campfire, Emmett enjoys a bite of Bare’s dinner. “Hot dogs and marshmallows are our go-to,” she says.
Ready to start an idyllic outdoor adventure with your four-footed best friend? Ask your veterinarian to make sure he or she is up-to-date on core vaccines, which for a dog include rabies, distemper and parvo, and for a cat, rabies and feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR). Dog owners should also consider adding vaccinating against leptospirosis, a potentially deadly bacteria shed in wildlife urine. Cats are not prone to lepto, but if outside, they should get a feline leukemia (FELV) vaccination.
Then make sure your future furry camper is fully protected against parasites that thrive in the woods: fleas, ticks and heartworm, which is transmitted by mosquitos.
Pets can get lost in unfamiliar surroundings, so owners should be sure they are microchipped and wear collars with their name and owner’s contact information. High tech collars that can track a pet’s whereabouts are also available.
For the best trip, pack extra food, water (to avoid dogs seeking out streams or standing water that can have parasites), any medications, extra leashes/collars, and a pet firstaid kit including bandages, Benadryl, sterile saline and antibiotic ointment.
Additionally, keep an eye on the temperature: Dogs can’t sweat and can have heat stroke rapidly, LeFavi says. Extreme cold (below 35 degrees Fahrenheit) is another danger. Booties can prevent paws getting burned on hot pavement, rocks or sand, or injured on trails with metal stair treads.
A familiar bed or crate can help dogs settle down to sleep. Emmett sleeps on a camping doggy bed at the foot of Bare’s air mattress. “He is living his best life when he is out there with me,” she says.
Nearby places to camp with your pet
Sweetwater Creek State Park 22 miles from Buckhead gastateparks.org/SweetwaterCreek @sweetwatercreekstatepark
Shady Grove Campground 39 miles from Buckhead parks.forsythco.com/Parks/Shady-Grove-Campground
Payne Campground, Allatoona Lake 31 miles from Buckhead sam.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Recreation/Allatoona-Lake/Camping/Payne-Campground/
STORY: Jessica Saunders

Publisher & Founder
Joanne Hayes is a 3-decades veteran of the publishing industry, having worked for 12 years as an Account Executive for an award-winning Journal Register Company newspaper group, Southern Rhode Island Newspapers, and 3 years as the Marketing Director of SO Rhode Island, a publication of the award-winning magazine company Providence Media, prior to her move to Atlanta in 2009.
Simply Buckhead Magazine was conceived by her company, ValueStream Media Group, and began publication in 2010, with Joanne at the helm as Publisher, Founder and CEO. The publication quickly became the “must-read” publication for people who live, work, shop, dine, entertain, travel, have families, homes, and pets and participate in philanthropic efforts, and has literally been read online all over the world.
Simply Buckhead Magazine is a media partner and sponsor of CURE Childhood Cancer, The nsoro Educational Foundation, Open Hand Atlanta, and Emory Winship Cancer Institute.