Jami Gertz is one of the nicest people you’ll meet. I discovered this fact recently over a leisurely lunch with the actress at Chops Lobster Bar. She is warm, friendly and down-to-earth—the exact opposite of a Hollywood diva who could put on airs given her long list of impressive acting credits.
Now living in Buckhead the majority of the year and concentrating on her job as one of the principal owners of the Atlanta Hawks, Gertz talked at length about her duties as the team’s unofficial ambassador. She also revealed to me that she can be prickly in the morning, that she rides MARTA and that the lines from her movie and TV roles that people quote her the most are “I can’t spare a square” from Seinfeld and “We got cows!” from Twister. She mentioned she’s taken up painting and would like to try woodworking, and that she’s a fan of boxing and MMA. I could have sat and talked with her all day.
Meeting people like Gertz is one of the things I enjoy most about my job. I’ve gotten to chat with a 12-year-old chef who has mastered all of the French sauces, the petite female owner of a local boxing gym and a burly fellow who wears a tutu and dances on street corners to cheer people up. The number of interesting, accomplished and inspiring folks who inhabit this city never ceases to amaze me. You’ll meet six of them, including Gertz, in our “Bold Women of Buckhead” story on page 50.
Your fellow Atlantans are truly a fascinating bunch and we’ll continue to share their stories with you in every issue. Happy reading!
Jill Becker
Photo: The Headshot Truck

Award-winning writer and editor who has penned stories for CNN, Woman's Day, Good Housekeeping, and dozens of other outlets.