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Consultant helps leaders to find their power.


Bianca Modo Isom spent a year as a graduate student in Paris, and it transformed her. She felt free to experiment with her style but, more importantly, to discover who she was—the best version of herself.

As a personal image and brand consultant, she does the same with her clients, minus the trip to Paris. “Paris was so important to me,” she says. “I realized I am able to connect and build relationships with anyone, and that has driven me my entire life. The belief that I could help others through communication started there.”

Today, Isom has a full schedule. She is Vice President of Marketing & Communication for the Southeast Region of the Association of Image Consultants International, CEO of MODO Global and head of the Bianca Modo Foundation. She’s also a motivational speaker, author and frequent media expert.

All of these roles reflect her passion to help people communicate more effectively, realize their full potential and build strong, personal brands. “I love people and love to help them put their best foot forward, whether it’s going on a date, trying to get a promotion or leading a church,” she says. “My work not only helps a leader embrace their personal power, but it [can] transform their organization.”

With AICI, she deals with individuals and business leaders; MODO Global focuses on leaders who are people of faith, either in a religious organization or a leading secular company with faith-based principles.

She focuses on appearance, behavior and communications, all aimed at helping clients feel better about themselves, which leads to more confidence. Her communications coaching includes developing a marketing plan to help verbalize goals.

The approach is similar with the faith-based leaders she works with at MODO Global. “I started my company in 2016, and it’s my baby. I’m a brand consultant, a transformational coach. I assist faith-based leaders and pastors to become the powerful, profound and inspirational leaders within their organizations. To achieve their full potential, they have to understand how to communicate with stakeholders, their team and vendors. They have to have passion, authenticity and originality.”

A person of faith herself, Isom says that just because people are in positions of power doesn’t mean they know how to lead. “If your team is not getting the results you think they should be getting, there’s a disconnect. The faith-based people I work with want to change the community; they just don’t know how to have that influence that will change everything.”

She is seeking grants for her foundation that is focused on girls who have endured abuse, especially human trafficking, to help them become leaders. “I want to work on their mindsets so they can thrive. I want them to see there are opportunities for higher paying careers and that they don’t have to suffer because of what they went through.”

Isom, a mother of a 3-year-old son, experienced abusive relationships and wrote about it in her 2019 book, Unscarred: Prayers for Healing, which debuted at No. 1 in its category on Amazon. “I wrote that to help me heal, and I want others to come forward and heal. There are reasons why people go through what they go through. If you can inspire one person, then you’ve done your job.”

Looking forward, Isom is focused on growing her business and brand as well as increasing her speaking engagements. “I want to help leaders, not just ones of faith, enhance their positions and credibility by connecting with their strengths, purposes and values,” Isom says. “And by doing, it transforms them as well as the organization positively. I am called to this.”


Best place to meet clients: The Bucket Shop

Best place to people-watch: Blue Martini Atlanta

Favorite place for a spa treatment: Treat Your Feet

Favorite date night: Bistro Niko

Best place for retail therapy: Nordstrom at Phipps Plaza

Favorite restaurant: The Capital Grille

Favorite place to take out-of town guests: R. Thomas

Best place to let off steam: Refresh Cryo

STORY: Mary Welch

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