Providing basic needs and education!

help underserved communities around the world.
With a focus on impacting the lives of others, the DNA Brand Foundation for Global Empowerment steps in to help underserved communities during a crisis, whether it’s a lack of shelter, water or food. Founded by Akilah Love and Douglas Johnson, whose offices are in Buckhead, the organization has grown from serving 192 children in 2020 to over 1,000 today in Ghana, Nova Scotia, Toronto, Barbados and Atlanta.
Love and Johnson have a personal connection to each area of service. They heard about the destruction of an orphanage in Ghana through a relative who was traveling in the country and stepped in to help. When there was a water crisis similar to Flint Michigan’s in Nova Scotia, Johnson’s home turf, DNA helped provide water and education. The couple met in Toronto where they serve inner city kids, and Love’s parents are from Barbados where they adopted a school.
“We start with basic needs like food and shelter then education through the DNA Academy,” Love says. “Our focus is to provide not only resources but support for youth. In Georgia, we focus on a day shelter for homeless kids who have aged out of the foster care system.”
The foundation receives support from corporations and individual donors, but its major fundraiser is the annual DNA Diamond Ball that will be held at the Thompson Hotel-Buckhead on March 12.