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Is it Time to Dodge the Draft?

Is it Time to Dodge the Draft?

Is it Time to Dodge the Draft?

No, you are not going to have to avoid a Government draft. But with
winter coming, you might want to do somethings about that drafty house.  Some simple inexpensive projects could save
you up to 18% on your energy bills this winter. 
Here are four projects you should look at doing.

  1. Durable Weather Stripping.  Take a look at your exterior doors.  If you can slide a piece of paper between the
    door and the frame, then you are probably losing energy.  Bronze strips bought at your local hardware
    store are about $20 and easy to install on your own.
  2. Insulate the Attic Hatch.  If you have the traditional pull-down ladders
    to get to your attic, you will notice that was not build with any regard to
    energy saving.  A supper easy fix is to
    get an attic tent.  This is exactly like
    it sounds.  It is insulated fabric that
    you staple to the attic floor over the latter hatch.  It has a zipper to open when you need to get
    into the attic.
  3. Cover your AC. 
    If you are one of the many people that have an AC window or wall unit,
    you are losing tons of energy in the winter thru that unit.  You can get custom made insulated wraps to
    fit over the unit when you do not need it in the winter.
  4. Seal Remaining Cracks.  A $5 can of Great Stuff insulating foam is a
    must buy.  Hold a stick of burning
    incense near locations that that might suck air out.  Pipes penetrating the wall under sinks,
    baseboards at the floor by doors, and around window should be checked.  If the incense smoke dances around, then you
    have air linking out.

Make your smart money move to dodge the draft this winter.

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