Since 2016, the Orphaned Starfish Foundation has been on a mission to help orphans, victims of abuse, survivors of trafficking, indigenous children, at-risk youth and refugees around the globe break their cycles of abuse and poverty.

In June, Carousel Fine Art in Buckhead did its part to support the cause by hosting a cocktail reception for about 90 guests who raised $9,000 for the foundation. The June event highlighted the talents of Houston-based artist Justin Garcia who creates prints, original drawings and artworks often used in children’s therapy. A highlight of the evening was a speech by the foundation’s founder, former Wall Street banker Andy Stein, who spoke passionately about the organization’s work to change the lives of children and young adults around the world. Gallery owners Laura and Philippe Horowicz have formed an alliance with Stein and Garcia to continue showcasing and supporting the organization’s mission.
PHOTOS: Taylor Harmon

Atlanta-based writer and editor contributing to a number of local and state-wide publications. Instructor in Georgia State’s Communication department and Emory’s Continuing Education division.