Colin Miles, co-founder of Fripper’s, tells us all about his locally produced sausage company

You might have your favorite butcher and baker, but what about sausage maker? For that, locally made Fripper’s (formerly Pigman Goods until it rebranded in June) could be just the ticket. Based in Underwood Hills, the brand produces specialty meats—think bratwurst and cheddarwurst— fit for your next backyard gathering. You can’t buy Fripper’s products at major grocery stores just yet, but you can purchase them online. To learn more about the company’s offerings and new name, we chatted with co-founder Colin Miles.
Tell us about Fripper’s.
How did you come up with the name?
It comes from a few things. “Ripper” is what [deep fried] hot dogs are called in New Jersey. The “F” stands for “frank” (meaning hot dog) and “Fripp” is the last name of a musician I like and have followed. When we were brainstorming what the new name would be, these words all came to mind and just came together. We heard “Fripper’s” and liked it and the various meanings!
Have you thought about moving the brand beyond sausages and hot dogs?
We plan to expand our product mix beyond just specialty meats and will eventually offer spice blends and rubs. In addition to new products, we are actively expanding in other markets across the country. We are currently sold in California, Arizona, Miami, Boston, Charleston and more. We hope to be sold in major grocers and specialty food stores around the country.
Why was it the right time to change the name?
Honestly, the timing was all a coincidence. We were in the process of working through the name change and all the legality that surrounds a new name (trademarks and such), and COVID-19 happened. We were determined that it wasn’t going to stop us or hold us back, so we just kept moving forward and wanted to launch just in time for summer—when the hot dog is king of the grill!
For those who aren’t hot dog aficionados, why should they trade up to Fripper’s over mass marketed products?
Fripper’s hot dogs are very different from your typical, big box brands and household brand names. We are small-batch and handstuffed, meaning every Fripper’s hot dog and brat has a person looking over it and perfecting it, rather than a machine. “Snap, pop, crunch” are the three words used most [to describe a Fripper’s hotdog’s texture]. This is a differentiating quality. The snap is because we use natural casing. We have taken the old world-style of creating specialty meats and modernized and improved it.