Helping renters.

Just when you thought there was nothing new in the finance industry, along comes Roots Real Estate Investment Company with one goal: to align the interests of renters and property owners so tenants anywhere can build wealth alongside accredited investors by contributing as little as $100. “We’re the first fund of its kind with this platform,” says co-founder and CEO Daniel Dorfman. Since its launch three years ago, 6,200 people have invested $35 million, most in $100 increments. An important aspect of the company is its charitable arm, Free Rent Atlanta, that held an online forum this year offering 12 months of free rental assistance to anyone living within 20 miles of downtown. Four thousand people applied. “We selected 13, posted their stories online and asked people to vote and to make a donation if they had extra capital,” Dorfman says. “We planned to help three families but ended up with enough for seven. We also provided wrap-around services including financial education and information about clothing and food banks. Next year, we hope to offer free rent for 25 families.”