Forgoing the office party for more charitable endeavors

In lieu of attending a holiday party, Condominium Concepts employees devote a day of service to helping others.

After years of hosting holiday parties for her staff at Condominium Concepts Management (CCM) in Sandy Springs, CEO Darlys Walker had a light bulb moment. How would her employees feel about doing a day of service instead of a party? The staff enthusiastically embraced the idea.

The initiative, known as Condominium Concepts Cares, became a reality in 2014, and since its inception, the company has given both presents and its presence to organizations that often fall through the cracks, such as women’s shelters and nursing homes. In 2016, the firm honored first responders. This year’s focus is on the homeless. Working with various agencies, the company has targeted areas where the homeless gather and delivered them bagged lunches, socks and items that will help them through the cold winter months.

Each of CCM’s seven regions develops individual plans and selects a date between Dec. 1 and 15 for the Day of Giving. Employees receive a day off so all can participate. CCM also serves its communities throughout the year at animal shelters, Ronald McDonald Houses and more. 

For more information, visit:

BY: Mickey Goodman

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