When violence strikes.

Founded in the wake of September 11, 2001, Tuesday’s Children began as a support group for families who were forever changed by the horrific event. Today, the mission has broadened to include families affected by terrorism, military conflict or mass violence. To further those efforts, longtime benefactor State Farm has awarded the group a $45,000 grant to expand the Career Resource Center and Youth Mentoring Programs in Georgia, the Carolinas, Texas and New York.
Brian Curtis, former board member and current member of the Chairman’s Circle, got involved in 2008 as the anniversary of 9/11 approached. The Dunwoody resident was living in Los Angeles and feeling helpless about what he could do when he read an article about Tuesday’s Children. The New York Times bestselling author had the idea to pen something based on the survivor’s experiences. The resulting book was The Legacy Letters Messages of Life and Hope from 9/11 Families, a collection from spouses, mothers, fathers and kids, published on the tragedy’s 10th anniversary.
“I appreciate the way Tuesday’s Children has gone out of their way to support military survivors,” says Erikka Mitchell, the widow of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Omoro Mitchell. “They inform me of programs I’m eligible for and have given me an opportunity to meet other young widows. My 9-year-old son, A.J., loves attending the Atlanta Braves and Falcons games.”
For more information, visit tuesdayschildren.org.