Tips on looking your best at every age!

Fashion is a visual expression and communication to other people, and it has the power to open doors to other possibilities without you ever having to say a word,” says Atlanta stylist Rachel Nicole of the importance of what you wear. The power of fashion crosses decades and transcends age. A personal stylist working with clients in Buckhead and beyond, Nicole has a fashion philosophy for building the ideal wardrobe at any age: quality over quantity. She stresses the importance of details like accessories and custom tailoring, no matter your age. But these universal fashion truths don’t negate the fact that the wardrobe that best serves you in your 20s isn’t going to be the same as what works for your lifestyle and your body at 60.
Here, Nicole shares tips for dressing your best, one decade at a time.
“Your 20s are a time to experiment. Try on different style personas and embrace different styles.” Dress for the role you want, she says. “Think about how you can dress like your boss, but add your own spin to it,” Nicole says. “Do it in a way that isn’t boring by adding personality with accessories.”
“Your 30s are a time to solidify your style identity and align that identity with your life goals.” It’s important to have classic, key pieces in your wardrobe so you don’t have to update your closet every year based on trends. “Basics are king. Think tank tops or bodysuits that you can wear with a blazer to work and then with an oversized button-down on the weekends,” Nicole shares.
“Your 40s are a time to accept yourself as you are and create a wardrobe that showcases that.” Once you hit 40, it’s time to dress for who you are now, not who you used to be. “You’re still you, but it’s next level you,” she says. “You have more wisdom, you know yourself more, and you like yourself more, so your wardrobe should be a reflection of that confidence.” If you love neon colors, wear them. And get rid of everything in your closet that doesn’t make you feel like who you are now.
“Your 50s are a time to completely let go of everyone’s opinions and only care about your own.” “Clothes fall differently than they did before. The same silhouette you wore five years ago probably doesn’t serve you well now because your body has changed, but don’t let that scare you,” Nicole says. “Don’t focus on the past; get excited for new shapes and styles that look good on you now.” If you feel less comfortable when you get dressed and no longer find joy in your clothing, your wardrobe may not be quite right. When this happens—at any age—it’s the perfect time to call in the help of a professional like Nicole.
“Your 60s and beyond are a time to embrace getting older, but do it in a unique way that allows you to have fun with your style.” Nicole always tells her clients in this age range that they still have a figure, and they can still flatter it. “Women are very hard on themselves, but you still have a waist: Try accentuating it with a belt,” she says. “Or tailor pieces so they look right proportionally and bring the eye in. It’s important that you don’t hide your body. Embrace it!”

Freelance journalist who covers fashion, beauty and lifestyle topics for women’s magazines and on TV shows across the country.