Sharing Too Much? Mom markets app that gives families a safe place to share online

Titania JordanWhat I sell: A free app that empowers moms and dads, helps them get organized and protects their children’s digital legacy.

Where my product is available:

My five-year plan: “I see us being as big as Facebook. We will be the place parents go to manage their family’s world.”

To share or not to share? That is the question more parents should consider before revealing too much about their kids online, warns Titania Jordan, the self-described “Chief Mom Officer” of a Buckhead tech firm with a free new app that protects family business from social media predators.

Videos of baby milestones. Photos of family vacations. Blogs on new cars and raising teens. A parent’s footprint on social media can provide a disturbing amount of private information about their kids—information that can be accessed by strangers.

“Should you blog about every detail in your life and use your first and last name?” asks Jordan, a Brookhaven resident, mother of a 5 year old and chief marketing officer of KidsLink. “Do you really want your Facebook profile photo to be that of your kids? People are cyber swatting. They have no respect for copyright laws or digital privacy. They think if it’s online and they can get a screen shot of it, it’s theirs. Bloggers have seen photos of their families in ads in other countries.”

KidsLink empowers moms and dads by providing a secure platform for them to share news about their kids with a select group of people. Parents can download the app for free on their iPhones (the app will be available for Android users in 2015) and control who sees what they post. Users can build profiles about their individual family members, and allow them to post, or restrict access with parental controls.

“Our app gives parents the ability to share with 10 to 20 of their close friends and family in a private so- cial network,” Jordan says. “We are stalker free. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, you cannot search for people on KidsLink unless you have their phone numbers.”

KidsLink’s features were designed with help from Jordan to be irresistible to moms. The app can be used for scrapbooking and storing secure photos of immunization records and birth certificates. KidsLink even reminds parents to schedule medical checkups for their kids. Thousands have downloaded it since it debuted in September.

“In our generation, it takes a virtual village to raise a child,” Jordan says.

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