Greg Johnson knew he was onto something when he overheard two women in The Fresh Market trying to make sense of cryptocurrency. “They were asking what ‘weebles’ were,” he says.
Even though the women had botched the name (it’s Webull, a trading platform), they confirmed what Johnson already suspected: Crypto, or digital or virtual currency, was getting noticed by people outside the financial world. Some folks might know it’s a system that allows buyers to pay real money (dollars) for coins or tokens that can securely buy goods and services online. But most may not be quite sure what it is, how it works and how to get a hold of it. As CEO of Rubicon Crypto, Johnson spends a lot of time educating investors about digital currency and helping them buy it.
“We help people understand what crypto is and isn’t, and how to invest in it,” says the Buckhead resident with a 25-year track record as a financial advisor. “Right now, there’s so much noise, static and hype around the topic.”
Johnson moved into the crypto world when he accepted an invitation to be an advisor to a group organizing the fledgling company. “I saw a window of opportunity to get involved and become a founder, and I decided it was something I wanted to go into 100%. I’m excited about the long-term value of crypto assets.”
The company offers crypto opportunities that mimic models investors are used to. “It’s much like a mutual fund product that provides diversification,” Johnson says. “About 3 to 5% is the amount people should have in this category, but we’re seeing people way over that, so we try to bring fundamental analysis and discipline to portfolio management. When you have professional management and patience, a small piece can have a huge impact on the total investment package.”
Johnson also sees the crypto industry playing an increasingly significant role in the city.
“Both Atlanta and Buckhead will have an outsized role because of the reputation we have as a global epicenter of the fintech industry, and that’s very compatible with crypto business models. As the industry matures with more regulation and investment, our city stands to benefit in an outsized way, and that’s why we chose to plant a flag here.”
Rubicon Crypto

Atlanta-based writer and editor contributing to a number of local and state-wide publications. Instructor in Georgia State’s Communication department and Emory’s Continuing Education division.